
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Looking for a job? You need to stand out from the crowd!

In years past, (decades actually) employment was a buyer's market for workers. If you wanted a job, you looked in the newspaper want ads, or in industry publications for available openings. You sent your resume in, waited for the hiring manager to call, set up an interview, and then went for that interview. Maybe you didn't get that job, but there were usually other available. Eventually, you got hired, and went to work.

Those days are LONG gone!

Companies are far more discriminating about who they hire now-a-days. They want perspective hires to be ready to contribute to the organization from day one. Businesses want employees with multiple skillsets who can think critically and who are fast on their feet, able to solve problems quickly. When a company publishes an employment opportunity, there are usually an overwhelming number of candidates applying. Basically, it's a seller's employment market today.

If your resume doesn't stand out from the crowd, chances are you'll never even GET that interview call.

So, how do you go about making YOUR resume jump out and grab someone's attention? First of all, you need to do your homework on the company doing the hiring.

  • What is the nature of their business? You need to understand what they do and how they do it.
  • What are the responsibilities of the position being applied for? While you might not be able find out exact specifics, you should be able to garner enough information to get the gist of the job.
  • What can YOU bring to the position, as far as your personal and professional abilities.
Now you need to SELL yourself to your perspective employer. You need to be able to communicate why this company needs to hire you over everyone else who has applied. Have extraordinary organizational skills, and can show a track record of streamlining processes? You need to make sure your resume reflects those skills. Are you able to quickly identify issues and show that you can solve those issues? Your previous experiences dealing with these kinds of issues needs to be highlighted as well. Be sure to make whomever reads your resume aware of any accolades and awards you've received as part of your career. Your accomplishments are key selling points.

You need to market yourself to your perspective employer, and that's just to get an INTERVIEW.

Or, you could hire someone to help do some of that heavy lifting for you. Interested?

Call us toll free at 877-420-7600   press 1 for sales
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