
Friday, March 30, 2012

The job marketplace as a warzone, part 2

When you don't have a daily routine to follow, it's VERY easy to fall into bad habits. What do I mean by that, and what does it have to do with your success or failure in finding a job?


In the field of battle, the side without definitive goals (and the plans to achieve those goals) gets bogged down and becomes disorganized. When they fail to achieve any objectives, the troops become demoralized and disheartened. This only serves to make matters worse. It's a recipe for defeat.

Likewise, you were probably once on a regimented schedule, where you got up at 7:00am, hit the showers, and got out on the road in time to get to your workplace by 8:00am. However, now that you're unemployed, you MIGHT find it a little more difficult to drag yourself out of bed before 9:30am. Then, of course, once you ARE awake and go wandering around the kitchen looking for a cup of coffee and something to eat, it might be some time around noon before you even contemplate getting down to business and looking for work.

BIG mistake... HUGE! (50 extra points if you can tell me what movie that came from)

Once again, looking for a job today needs to BE a full time job, or you are setting yourself up for failure. You need to set your alarm as if you're still on someone else's clock. You need to be out of bed, and on the phone or the computer bright and early. You need to be networking, and using those contacts that you have available to you to look for employment opportunities. Or, you need to be making NEW contacts. Search those listings, make phone inquires, set up those interviews, and THEN hit the pavement!

The bottom line? Just because you're out of a job, doesn't mean you can stop working.

No one said it would be easy though. If you're finding it tough to get (and stay) motivated to look for work, let us help you with some of the heavy lifting.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The job market is a warzone. What's YOUR battle plan?

At no time in the past, with the exception of the Great Depression, has it been as difficult to find a good paying job as it is today. Whether you live in Europe, North, or South America, it's a struggle to get into a decent career type job. In a lot of cases, it's tough to get ANY job, even minimum wage positions. Why is it so much harder to find work now? There are several reasons.

1) Companies are a lot more discriminating now about who they hire then they have ever been. If you've been out of the workforce for more then a year, hiring managers ask themselves why that might be. They question whether applicants who have been long term unemployed still have the skills and motivation necessary to be effective employees. In the high tech world, hardware and software engineering skills change almost daily. Dropping out of that environment for any period of time will prove detrimental to one's professional marketability.

2) Today's companies are looking for employees who possess highly specialized skillsets, or who are multi-faceted and can handle many responsibilities at one time. Productivity is not just a corporate buzz word anymore. It's EVERYTHING to an employer. A perfect example of this can be seen in the healthcare industry. Specially trained personnel who can operate highly specialized medical diagnostic devices are much sought after. Also, medical doctors who also have MBAs or law degrees are in great demand by HMOs for positions as executives and department heads. Someone with limited or inflexible skills are at a disadvantage in today's job marketplace.

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make if you are unemployed, is to be INACTIVE. Sure, you're checking the internet, and answering job posting online. You're also sending out a LOT of resumes, and maybe even getting a few interviews. But, is that taking up 8 to 10 hours of your day, EVERY day? Be honest now.... Probably not, right? In today's world, finding a job SHOULD be a full time job in and of itself. Time not spent actually beating the pavement should be spend keeping up on the latest information from within your field of expertise. Take some courses online. (many are free for the download) Attend live seminars, or participate in online forum discussions where you can stay informed about what's going on in your industry. You can also use these opportunities to network with others in your field, which can lead to employment prospects.

Bottom line? It's war out there, and you need a plan to survive in today's job market.

Want to know more? Call us. 877-420-7600

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Where are you now?

Perhaps you've just graduated from one of the more prestigious colleges in the U.S., with a degree in any one of a dozen different fields of knowledge. You made decent grades, and perhaps even received a few letters of recommendation from your professors. Now it's time to step out into the big wide world, and start the next phase of your life.

First order of business? Finding a job.

 It cost a considerable amount to PUT you through school, and chances are you had to borrow that money to pay for tuition. (unless you were fortunate enough to have a wealthy benefactor pay your way) So, now you need to find employment that will allow you to pay your living expenses AND start paying that college loan debt off. Oh, and if at all possible, it would be nice if you could find a job in the field you actually STUDIED for.

"NO PROBLEM!", you say. You'll just hop onto and find yourself a good job that fits your degree to a T. Open up the notebook, fire up the web browser, put in your parameters, and hit enter. WHALA!! There's 3 or 4 entries for job openings that are right up your alley, and CLOSE BY to boot! You click the first entry, and everything looks great until you get to the part about qualifications...

'Requires 3-5 years experience, with....'

Okay, moving on to the next entry. Again, all appears well until..

'Requires at least 2 years experience...'

A quick review of the other listing reveals similar requirements. You sit there dumbfounded for a few moments, and then ask yourself, "How am I supposed to get a job to GET experience, when every job requires that I already HAVE experience to even qualify for it?"

That's a VERY good question! Want to know the answer?

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