
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Geithner to warn lawmakers on threats to financial system from Europe, fiscal cliff - The Hill's On The Money

Geithner to warn lawmakers on threats to financial system from Europe, fiscal cliff - The Hill's On The Money

Wealth Strategies: Facebook may miss in 1st earnings report

Obama: Put More People on Welfare! - Blog - Fox Business

Obama: Put More People on Welfare! - Blog - Fox Business

We're missing the point...

Yes, private tech companies DID NOT invent the internet! Nor did they invent the protocols that allow the internet to function the way it does. Yes, the Federal government built a good portion of our highway system that allows for the transportation of goods from port cities to the rest of America. And YES, local municipalities built the water and sewer systems (as well as the access roads) that allows businesses to function and people to get to them.

But, guess what?

We PAID for all that infrastructure, with our tax dollars. It's not like it was just given to us out of the goodness of government philanthropy. So, when our President gets up before an audience and announces to small business owners, "...You didn't build that.", he's technically right. BUT, what was IMPLIED by that statement was that, somehow, the private sector owes something BACK to the community for the use of these infrastructures, even though they financed (and continue to finance) it! Small business owners pay municipal taxes, just like everyone else in the community. Beyond that, they collect sales taxes that go straight towards city and state coffers.

Small businesses owe NOTHING for the use of municipal infrastructures, nor do they own anyone for the use of the internet. And they DID build their businesses, through hard work during long hours while sacrificing time away from family and leisure.

Sorry, Mr. President, but you were just plain wrong on this one....

Morning Bell: Obamacare Leaves As Many Uninsured As It Covers

Morning Bell: Obamacare Leaves As Many Uninsured As It Covers

Re Obama: Even Some Democrats Saying “Enough!”

Re Obama: Even Some Democrats Saying “Enough!”

New Stimulus by Federal Reserve Is More Likely as Economy Lags -

New Stimulus by Federal Reserve Is More Likely as Economy Lags -

Worldwide, Greeks Most Pessimistic About Their Lives

Worldwide, Greeks Most Pessimistic About Their Lives

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Green Companies That Took Taxpayer Money and Went Bankrupt

Green Companies That Took Taxpayer Money and Went Bankrupt

Does Obama have an enemies list? - YouTube

Does Obama have an enemies list? - YouTube

Study accuses Obama administration of 'dismantling' immigration enforcement | Fox News

Study accuses Obama administration of 'dismantling' immigration enforcement | Fox News

Obama's Character Edge Offsets Romney's Economic Advantage

Obama's Character Edge Offsets Romney's Economic Advantage

Eurozone debt crisis a drag on recovery and Obama's campaign - The Hill's On The Money

Eurozone debt crisis a drag on recovery and Obama's campaign - The Hill's On The Money

Market Pulse: Private sector slump heralds fresh recession - YouTube

Market Pulse: Private sector slump heralds fresh recession - YouTube

The Agenda: A Closer Look at Middle Class Decline -

The Agenda: A Closer Look at Middle Class Decline -

Monday, July 23, 2012

Gender Barriers to Banking Exist Worldwide

Gender Barriers to Banking Exist Worldwide

America Poorest Since 1965; Foreign Leaders See U.S. 'In Decline' - Godfather Politics

America Poorest Since 1965; Foreign Leaders See U.S. 'In Decline' - Godfather Politics

Comstock Partners: 'Overwhelming' Evidence of Recession Ahead

Comstock Partners: 'Overwhelming' Evidence of Recession Ahead

Euro Crisis Watch: Spain fire fighting on many levels - YouTube

Euro Crisis Watch: Spain fire fighting on many levels - YouTube

House Democrats Refuse to Fund Pelosi's Sinking Ship : Political Outcast

House Democrats Refuse to Fund Pelosi's Sinking Ship : Political Outcast

10 Surprising Facts About Google - YouTube

10 Surprising Facts About Google - YouTube

Morning Bell: States Should Wait Before Accepting Obamacare

Morning Bell: States Should Wait Before Accepting Obamacare

» Getting a little warm… » Cartoons -- GOPUSA

» Getting a little warm… » Cartoons -- GOPUSA

» Under Obama US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s » News -- GOPUSA

» Under Obama US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s » News -- GOPUSA

» Parker: Entrepreneurs, not politicians, build prosperity » Commentary -- GOPUSA

» Parker: Entrepreneurs, not politicians, build prosperity » Commentary -- GOPUSA

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Photo of the Month -- July 2012 - - The job market report Mail

Photo of the Month -- July 2012 - - The job market report Mail

Business groups criticize Obama over remarks about government's role in success | Fox News

Business groups criticize Obama over remarks about government's role in success | Fox News

Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G | Fox News

Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G | Fox News

How Bernanke will cause the next crash before 2014 - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

How Bernanke will cause the next crash before 2014 - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Obama Outsourced Jobs to Brazil and To Millions of Illegal Aliens - Godfather Politics

Obama Outsourced Jobs to Brazil and To Millions of Illegal Aliens - Godfather Politics

Morning Bell: Obama Tells Entrepreneurs "You Didn't Build" Your Business

Morning Bell: Obama Tells Entrepreneurs "You Didn't Build" Your Business

Senate Plan Splits From Obama on Dividend With Accord on Estates

Senate Plan Splits From Obama on Dividend With Accord on Estates

'Just No Good News at All': Retail Sales Fall More Than Expected as Economy Weakens

'Just No Good News at All': Retail Sales Fall More Than Expected as Economy Weakens

Monday, July 16, 2012

Egyptians to Government: Focus on Jobs

Egyptians to Government: Focus on Jobs

No one is truly successful on their own, according to Barack Obama

After having watched this speech in it's entirety, it's just so OBVIOUS the disdain that Barack Obama holds for successful business people. In his eyes, every successful business got that way on the backs of the poor and down-trodden. Heck, there's not a company in business today that would have gotten ANYWHERE if it weren't for the ditch diggers and laborers who built this country's roads and bridges. The person who works 80 hours a week, risking his own money to build and grow his business doesn't work ANY harder then the person who's pushing a shovel into the ground to lay down water pipes for the city.

Really? REALLY??

The message is load and clear... If it weren't for the GOVERNMENT (and it's workers) building and maintaining the nation's infrastructure, private enterprise couldn't even exist. Therefore, private enterprise OWES something back.

Never mind that it's OUR tax dollars that funded the initial construction and continue funding the maintenance of these systems. Never mind that it's private enterprise that makes municipal bond sales possible, so that local and state entities can afford these projects.

Do small business owners think they are smarter then the average joe, allowing them to create a successful and profitable enterprise? In some cases, YES! They figured out an easier or better way to get something done, and figured out how to market that to the rest of the world to earn a profit. But, for the most part, small business owners do NOT think themselves smarter then the rest of us. They just decided to do what most of the rest of us are UNWILLING to do:
  • Work long hours every day, including weekends, for next to nothing at the start of their business
  • Risk their own money and credit to fund their startup
  • Sacrifice vacation time, sleep, and luxury items like taking the family out to dinner occasionally
  • Deal with customer, vendor, inventory AND employee issues
Here's some food for thought.... If starting your own business and being SUCCESSFUL at it were easy, we'd all be running successful small businesses. Small business owners pour their hearts and souls into their companies. They make (sometimes very painful) sacrifices to get to the point where they can call themselves successful. Given the financial hoops that they have to jump through just to get started, and the maze of regulatory roadblocks they have to navigate to STAY in business, it's a wonder anyone bothers.

So, to say that a successful small business owner somehow owes their success to the guy that dug up the drainage ditch out front, is just a TINY bit disingenuous....

Friday, July 13, 2012

Obama damaging his credibility with 'dishonest' Romney attacks? - Interviews - Hannity - Fox News

Obama damaging his credibility with 'dishonest' Romney attacks? - Interviews - Hannity - Fox News

Barclays staffer told Fed of false Libor in 2008 - MarketWatch

Barclays staffer told Fed of false Libor in 2008 - MarketWatch

U.S. Consumer Sentiment Hits 7-Month Low | Fox Business

U.S. Consumer Sentiment Hits 7-Month Low | Fox Business

Rice-as-veep report stirs mixed conservative response - Political Watch - MarketWatch

Rice-as-veep report stirs mixed conservative response - Political Watch - MarketWatch

Stocks Climb Ahead of Sentiment Data | Fox Business

Stocks Climb Ahead of Sentiment Data | Fox Business

Morning Bell: Obama's Imperial Presidency Dissolves Welfare Reform

Morning Bell: Obama's Imperial Presidency Dissolves Welfare Reform

Mobile Money Transfers Most Popular in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

Mobile Money Transfers Most Popular in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

Young U.S. Voters' Turnout Intentions Lagging

Young U.S. Voters' Turnout Intentions Lagging

The ghost of Ronald Reagan haunting President Obama - YouTube

The ghost of Ronald Reagan haunting President Obama - YouTube

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Former Clinton Adviser Erskine Bowles: ‘Fiscal Cliff’ May Be a $7 Trillion Disaster for US

Former Clinton Adviser Erskine Bowles: ‘Fiscal Cliff’ May Be a $7 Trillion Disaster for US

Senate Dems Shoot Down Obama Tax Plan : Freedom Outpost

Senate Dems Shoot Down Obama Tax Plan : Freedom Outpost

If You Can't Say Anything Bad About Your Opponent, Make It Up - Godfather Politics

If You Can't Say Anything Bad About Your Opponent, Make It Up - Godfather Politics

Pelosi Making Millions From Off Shore Investments - Godfather Politics

Pelosi Making Millions From Off Shore Investments - Godfather Politics

U.S. Confidence in Organized Religion at Low Point

U.S. Confidence in Organized Religion at Low Point

Investing - Stock Market Updates, Stock Buzz on Twitter, and Portfolio Tracking | Fox Business

Investing - Stock Market Updates, Stock Buzz on Twitter, and Portfolio Tracking | Fox Business

VP Favorite Portman: Without Change, US Will End up Like Greece

VP Favorite Portman: Without Change, US Will End up Like Greece

Morning Bell: Obama Fails to See "Serious Impact" of Hugo Chavez

Morning Bell: Obama Fails to See "Serious Impact" of Hugo Chavez

Weekly Jobless Claims Hit Four-Year Low | Fox Business

Weekly Jobless Claims Hit Four-Year Low | Fox Business

Fox Business | Business News & Stock Quotes - Saving & Investing

Fox Business | Business News & Stock Quotes - Saving & Investing

Romney should pick veep soon, says GOP -

Romney should pick veep soon, says GOP -

New urgency for Team Obama -

New urgency for Team Obama -

Euro drops below $1.22 as peripheral yields rise - MarketWatch

Euro drops below $1.22 as peripheral yields rise - MarketWatch

Mitt Romney's Wealth Costs Him With One in Five Voters

Mitt Romney's Wealth Costs Him With One in Five Voters

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Georgetown has gone Google - YouTube

Georgetown has gone Google - YouTube

House votes 244-185 to repeal Obama healthcare reform law - The Hill's Healthwatch

House votes 244-185 to repeal Obama healthcare reform law - The Hill's Healthwatch

Google Apps update alerts: Scheduled Release track features update 7/11/12

Google Apps update alerts: Scheduled Release track features update 7/11/12

Breakingviews: Browser wars go mobile - YouTube

Breakingviews: Browser wars go mobile - YouTube

FOX News - Top Stories - 5 House Dems Join GOP to Repeal ObamaCare in Mostly Symbolic Vote - Page 1 of 3

FOX News - Top Stories - 5 House Dems Join GOP to Repeal ObamaCare in Mostly Symbolic Vote - Page 1 of 3

Robert Reich (The Truth About Obama's Tax Proposal (and the Lies the Regressives are Telling About It))

Robert Reich (The Truth About Obama's Tax Proposal (and the Lies the Regressives are Telling About It))

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Global High Unemployment to Continue -

Global High Unemployment to Continue -

'President Obama, It’s Not Your Money!' - Godfather Politics

'President Obama, It’s Not Your Money!' - Godfather Politics

House Lawmakers to Grill Geithner on Libor Scandal? | Video | Fox Business

House Lawmakers to Grill Geithner on Libor Scandal? | Video | Fox Business

BREAKING NEWS: Fitch Affirms U.S. Credit Rating at ‘AAA’; Outlook Negative - - The job market report Mail

BREAKING NEWS: Fitch Affirms U.S. Credit Rating at ‘AAA’; Outlook Negative - - The job market report Mail

Formal Complaint Filed to Have Eric Holder Disbarred in Washington D.C. - Godfather Politics

Formal Complaint Filed to Have Eric Holder Disbarred in Washington D.C. - Godfather Politics

Cagle Post » GOP Vote on Obamacare… Again

Cagle Post » GOP Vote on Obamacare… Again

U.S. stocks drop on Europe, corporate warnings - MarketWatch

U.S. stocks drop on Europe, corporate warnings - MarketWatch

Roubini: ‘Perfect Storm’ Poised to Strike Earlier Than Feared

Roubini: ‘Perfect Storm’ Poised to Strike Earlier Than Feared

Global Think-Tank: Jobs Crisis to Linger as Economy Struggles

Global Think-Tank: Jobs Crisis to Linger as Economy Struggles

Merrill Lynch: US, Western World No Longer Call Shots for Rest of World

Merrill Lynch: US, Western World No Longer Call Shots for Rest of World

Americans' Confidence in Television News Drops to New Low

Americans' Confidence in Television News Drops to New Low

Young voters losing hope in Hope & Change? - YouTube

Young voters losing hope in Hope & Change? - YouTube

College: Worth the debt? - YouTube

College: Worth the debt? - YouTube

The state of the PERSONAL economy

Having made it my job to keep a finger on the pulse of the economic news being put out by the media, it's quite obvious that things are tough on the job front. I personally, however, have been able to avoid the pitfalls of a struggling economy. I've worked steadily full time for the last 22 year, and part time for 5 years before that. I've managed to create a pile of debt, and then pay that dept down to about nil right now. I've been able to save a little here and a little there, but always seem to have to use that savings for those rainy days that creep up every now and then. I live paycheck to paycheck, yet have been able to start a business that I hope eventually will be able to replace my company salary.

In other words, I'm not getting rich right now, but I'm also not struggling to make ends meet, like you hear about in the news stories.

My question is, am I one of the few 'lucky' ones, or is my story more the norm then the exception? Are things really as bad as I read about in the reports put out by the government and media sources? How are the rest of you doing?

Yes, I'd really like to know...

Friday, July 6, 2012

June employment numbers from the BLS are TERRIBLE!

There were rumblings that the economy might have created upwards of 170,000 new jobs for June, as per the ADP employment report. That turned out not to be the case. They were off by a LOT!

June saw only 80,000 net new jobs created. To put that in perspective, the economy has to create upwards of 350,000 NEW jobs a month, JUST TO KEEP UP WITH POPULATION GROWTH. In other words, while those who DID have jobs are struggling to find new ones, those who are looking for the first time are REALLY having a tough time of it. And the situation only gets worse every month that goes by with sub-par job creation.

America needs a kickstart, and NOW!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Apple Says it Has Fixed Server Bug Led to Crashing Apps

Apple Says it Has Fixed Server Bug Led to Crashing Apps Gallup Headlines Gallup Headlines

Adults Aged 26 to 64 Lose Employer Healthcare; Young Gain It

Adults Aged 26 to 64 Lose Employer Healthcare; Young Gain It

Yes, it's still all about the economy. When you're grasping at straws, any little piece of good news helps

It would appear that the economy, for the time being, isn't getting any worse, and might actually be improving a bit. We'll see what the Friday employment numbers bring, but I'm betting they will show a MODEST improvement. But threats still lurk behind the shadows, and there's no way we're going to grow the economy enough to handle the employment demands of all the new prospective workers entering into the job market.

But every little bit helps...

Monday, July 2, 2012

FactCheck to Obama Camp: Your Complaint is All Wet

FactCheck to Obama Camp: Your Complaint is All Wet

Obama Now Leads Romney, 48% to 43%

Obama Now Leads Romney, 48% to 43%

Sluggish economy going the wrong way

Manufacturing? Down
Auto sales? Forecast to decline well into next year
Job growth? Sluggish, and getting weaker
European economies? In trouble
Consumer confidence? Down
Consumer spending? Down

And now we have a new expensive healthcare bureaucracy to look forward to starting next year, should our current President gets re-elected.

I don't know about you, but I'm not feeling all warm and fuzzy inside right now.

But hey, at least gas prices are dropping....